Linear Interpolation
Issued by: Teleconformity
Number: TCMY-028
Publication date: 2011-06-17
Author: CEO

Linear Interpolation

Various FCC ruleparts require linear interpolation. The formula that can be used for this is:

yn = y1 + {(y2-y1)/(x2-x1)} * {xn-x1}

E.g. if you want to calculate the fundamental emission limit for 433.92MHz according to 15.231(b), then:

x1=260 [MHz]
x2=470 [MHz]

xn=433.92 [MHz]


y1=3750 [uV/m]
y2=12500 [uV/m]


yn will be 10966.66 uV/m equal to 80.83 dBuV/m

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